Sunday, July 09, 2006

Last call...

Howdy, everybody. This is going to be a pretty brief post, so don't get all excited. We've had a long day at Tommy's company picnic (which was great fun, even though the Cafe Ba Ba Reeba softball team lost in the first round. He had fun coaching, though, and the kids and I enjoyed watching them play!) The kids are all tucked into bed (not that it means anything...they'll be out a million more times before they actually sleep) and Tommy and I are going to watch a movie and relax. Overall, though, I just wanted to let y'all know that things are going really well. Many prayers are being answered, but please don't stop now!

Anyhow, what I did want to say is that I am changing my cell phone number, but it is somewhat of a bigger deal than just that. The number that I am changing it to is Laurie's old number, as I will be taking over her line. My parents have continued paying for it since she died, but we all sorta felt it was time to let go of that aspect, and since I was planning to cancel my line, it just felt right. What this means to the average joe, however, is that her voicemail will be replaced by my own in a few days, so I wanted to let all her friends and family that might read this blog know, and give y'all a chance to hear her voice and call her phone one last time. (oh, and for the record, my stepdad was able to record it, so we do have it for posterity.) So, if you'd like to, go ahead and call, I won't answer for a few more days (my old phone is active for a few more, if you actually need to speak to me!) I'm sure you understand, I'd prefer not to post my phone number up here for privacy's sake, but if don't still have it, you can email me or my mom, and we can pass it along. ( is my address)

Hope y'all are well, and please know that we pray just as much for our "prayer team" as you have for us!