Monday, July 25, 2005

Laurie reading her maid of honor toast to us at our wedding!  Posted by Picasa


Barb K said...

I love you, unconditionally.

Alison Strobel Morrow said...

This is probably breaking some kind of etiquette rule or something, so forgive me, Katie. :) Here is a completely off-the-topic question: in a much ealier blog entry, you mentioned something about your invisible hit counter. How did you make it invisible?? I want one!

Eve said...

yeah so now how am i ever going to hear that dr seuss story again and not tear up? oh makes you human i guess. love ya babe!

Eve said...

in response to last night... repeat away...remember its about your insides not for people to read and what they think or want to hear you say.

Anonymous said...

Katie--you've gotta know I'll always remember how you were there for me when I was "loosened by the spoken word." :) In my book, you are TOP-DRAWER, and that's about as cool as it gets! (See bark k's entry up there at the top? me too!)

-Debbi D.