Friday, March 18, 2005

You wanna hear something silly? On the last day I saw Munch, I saw her twice. The first time I visited her at Starbucks, and she got me a Chantico. It was too hot to drink, and I left it in the car...for almost three weeks. I haven't been able to get myself to throw it out yet, until today. I don't know why, I just looked at it and decided that it just makes me mad to look at.

The second time I saw her that day was at 921. We talked, and chilled, and I got to sit in on quite an interesting conversation between her and Mom, and didn't do much of anything. We talked about getting tickets to a Cubs game, and then we decided to order some of those little "Cubs-BELIEVE" bracelets. Just yesterday I realized that they haven't come yet, and that, too makes me mad. Not that they aren't here yet, but that they will come and she won't have hers. It makes me mad to think of wearing mine when hers will just sit there.

You know what else makes me mad? Lot of things...


Greg Boncimino said...


I can understand why you'd feel mad. However, for environmental reasons, you'd better dump the coffee before it becomes a biological hazard.

Regarding the Cub bracelets, I'd be happy to wear the other one, when it arrives. It's a great feeling to be a Cub fan in Astro country.

Your big bro...

Eve said...

Funny when you commented on my site I was writing my letter. All signed sealed. Will send on monday. I like you and that you all are catharticly writing on this crazy thing!!!

Aunt Sara with the yellow hair said...

Hey sweetie,

I'm not the expert on mourning by any means, but I really do think that being angry & frustrated is probably a healthy way to be right now. I think it's great that you can share yourself like this with your family and friends. I know that for me, it's a wonderful feeling to be able to put my whole self out there. Faults, questions, doubts, accomplishments, ups and downs, and if nothing else, I find out who the unconditionally loving people are in my life. I hope you know that I'm one of yours.

Love you!
Aunt Sara with the yellow hair :)