Monday, June 06, 2005

Katie and Laurie...June 9th, 1984 Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You don't know me, but I just read all your entries on your blog and felt the need to write to you. I lost my sister, Kate, to suicide on April 7, 1999. Like your sister, she was young (22), beautiful, hugely loved by many, and one of my very favorite people. Your courage to honor your sister on her birthday is inspiring. I'm sure it was difficult, but the right thing to do.

I do know the nightmare you're living and I understand the pain, anger, emotional roller coaster, not caring, crying, needing help....all of it. Please know this, everything you feel, every minute of your anger, all the moments of complete and absolute devastation, every time you feel your heart breaking again, these are all moments we must live through in order to survive. If we don't process them... we'll never move past them. And that's the kicker, we need to keep living and moving on, even when we don't want to leave our sisters behind.

My heart goes out to you. I felt your pain in your words and it immediately transported me to those horrible months after my sister died. It gets better, I promise. It never goes away and we'll ALWAYS miss them, but it at least gets better.

You may reply if you wish (I live in the Chicago area and I'm also doing the Out of the Darkness walk...that's how I found your blog).

Wishing you peace - Tracy Grote (