Friday, August 19, 2005

Minty Fresh!!!

Around our house, bedtime is 8:00, give or take a bit. Some folks might balk at that, thinking that 8:00 is ridiculously early, heck it isn't even completely dark then. However, walk a day in my shoes, and you will soon see why those last fifteen minutes until the witching hour may as well be fifteen years.

Our day starts at a decent hour, depending on the whims of the children. Typically, it's around 8 am. The tricky part is that it is a daily gamble on whether or not the children will choose to head right in to get mom and dad moving, or make a pit stop somewhere first. By pit stop, I basically mean "find something that they are forbidden to play with, and simply go to town!" Examples of previous adventures? Permanent marker all over the computer monitor, white-out everywhere (including themselves), more selections of "artwork" on the walls than I can even count, the consumption of literally pounds of candy(which was stored on top of the fridge, mind you!) I'm sure I am missing plenty (oh yes, the time they covered Maya's entire bedroom with a fine layer of baby powder, that was fun!) but you'll have to take my word for it, we've been through the ringer.

I might add that there are many "misadventures" gone on with my children that have taken place at other times of day than the wee hours of the morning, such as the day that I was in the shower, pregnant with Isaiah, and had "trapped" the children upstairs with me via baby gate. Unfortunately, I had neglected to double check that there were no safety scissors within reach (yup, not the real ones, I'm talking about the stupid round tip, don't cut anything including paper dumb ones.) Midway through my 3 minutes of (relative) peace, I heard Maya's little voice from the other side of the shower curtain. "Mommy, Denver gave me a mullet!" Slowly, I peeked out to find that he had indeed. Diligently, yet quickly, he had lopped all the hair (and only the hair) on top of her head to a half-inch length. It was awful. The only way to salvage anything was to cut all of it, her whole head to that length, and call it a pixie cut. If you have never seen it, and want a good laugh, let me show you some pictures. Trust me, Maya's head is far too round for that look!

Or recently, for example, during the 15 minute visit from our mortgage people to have some papers notarized, I sent the children to the basement playroom, and chatted with the friendly notary. I actually said the words "uh oh, it is just too quiet! I wonder what they are up to..." After the kind woman left, I wished I could have eaten my words, so badly did murphy's law bite me. It turns out they were hungry, so they saw no problems with sneaking to the kitchen to grab a bag of groceries not yet unpacked, and make a snack. I am pretty sure it has happened to all of us at one point, as we have made ourselves a peanut butter thought: I should get some shampoo, and make a giant sculpture with it and this peanut butter. No? Never happened to you? Well then I guess my kids are the first! It was quite impressive, but a monster pain to clean up. (Normally, I'd make them clean it themselves, but I had visions of the bubbles created by a full bottle of shampoo and thought better of it!) I sent the two older kids to their room, and let Isaiah follow me around as I cleaned. When I went upstairs 25 minutes later, I noticed something odd, almost funny, but clearly odd. A perfect little "trail" of toys, shoes, odds-and-ends, in a neat little line, leading from the front door up the stairs, to the open door of the bedroom, which was empty. I ran outside, baby on my hip, and panicked. No kids in sight. I called out their names, normally at first, but then louder, and finally yelling. Just as I was about to have an actual freak out, they appeared around the corner...two blocks up. They had packed their little suitcases, loaded them into the wagon, and decided to run away. I was simply beside myself with anxiety, scared out of my wits, and at a complete loss for what I needed to change for disciplinary action.

I've tried everything...time-outs, spankings, hot sauce on the tongue, confiscation of toys. I must point out that I am a no-holds-barred mom. When I take a toy to be thrown is thrown out. A spanking is a bare butt, "spare the rod, spoil the child" sort. A time-out is sitting alone on the naughty chair being ignored completely. I'm at my wits end.

Recently I perused a book from a dear friend, Debbie, and it has been insightful. Just today, I reread Dare to Discipline by Dr James Dobson, a favorite of mine even just as a reminder that I am not an idiot, that discipline is real work. I needed to reread it this evening due to the behavior last night. After 2 hours of completely ignoring my requests for them to sleep, (some of those requests were nice, others were yelled, and everything in between) I left them alone, and sat for a half an hour reading my school books for my classes starting monday, and talked to a friend on the phone. When I went to check on the progress, I found them wide awake, and very minty. They had taken not one but FOUR tubes of toothpaste, and emptied them everywhere. The bathroom was a disaster, my bed was covered, a bucket of water was dumped on the rug in my room. It was very icky. They got the works from me. Yelling, spankings, a tablespoon of toothpaste for each of them to swallow, even a proclamation that I am not their mom anymore tonight. (I made them call me Mrs Michel and everything!) I went downstairs, waited, and listened. That seemed to hit home, as they wailed that they still wanted a mommy, and they needed someone to take care of them. After awhile, they talked, and decided that they had in fact done a very bad thing, and agreed that they should really be good. We talked about it this morning, and they have been pretty well behaved. Even still, I am exhausted. Fried out. Beaten up. Just plain beaten.

Don't get me wrong, I am certainly not alone. There are gwadzillions of other moms out there in the same boat. But at the same time, I can't speak for anyone but myself, and for me...I need to get proactive. I need to follow through on the promise I made to my shrink, and acknowledge step #1 according to Dr Dobson on how to maintain my sanity. I need to ask for help. I need to ask people who want to help me to step in and help me. Perhaps it is the desperation of last night, the thing that is making me actually agree, not just theorize about how it is a good idea, but that's cool, because my rope is fraying rapidly, and I need a break. No wait, not a break, many breaks. Dr Dobson says "#1. At least once a week the mother should go bowling, or shopping, or 'waste' an occasional afternoon. It is unhealthy for anyone to work all the time, and the entire family will profit from her recreation." My personal good ole Dr Dunlap wrote me a "prescription" for it, to hand over to my loved ones, since I feel far too guilty to come right out and ask. I've gotten gutsy enough to ask two people that I love, and both have agreed without hesitation. Even still, I hate putting people out...but not today. Today, my hands are still tingly from the menthol and I probably have fluoride poisoning from the amount of toothpaste I cleaned up. Today I have circles under my eyes, and even I can tell that I am getting sickly looking. I am stressed, and I need some help. I need a break...ASAP.

On that note...anyone want to babysit tomorrow night? (Or any night, really! That's the downside of Tommy's work schedule, I'm in school in the morning, and he leaves at 1 for work, so he does what he can) It's last minute for sure, but it would be a great gift to me this weekend in particular. Several of my old Fridays/small group/Willow girls are going for a girls only camping weekend. Cindy, Lindsey, Lisa... women who lift me with laughter. If there's anybody out there who might be willing to take the kids Saturday night, it would matter. It really would. (Oh, don't worry, the kids only like to terrorize me, everyone else is pretty safe!)

Furthermore, if the mood ever strikes, and you feel like enjoying my children, I'm humbly asking that you will. I know that admitting that I am simply not strong enough, smart enough, or cool enough to do this whole mom thing alone is a big step, a step that I know many moms aren't taking. For those moms (and you know who you are!) please call me, and know that the barter system of babysitting works wonders!

Well, it's been a half an hour since the kids went to bed...time to assess the damage...much love to y'all...


Anna said...

I know I don't know you very well, but I knew Laurie for years through Impact... we served together, worshiped together. loved together.
My heart breaks for you during all of this, not just because you have to deal with the everyday toilings that come from being a Mom, but because you have to do it with a wounded heart. I am so proud of you to have asked for help. I would love to help you.
Like I said, I know you probably don't really even know me, but I'd love for you to e-mail me or send me a thing on my blog...
I ADORE kids, and not because I think they're "cute" or "fun" but because of how their minds and souls work. I love getting into their heads and discovering what does and does not work. I'm graduating with a degree in child psychology with a concentration in behavior disorders and child and family studies; my latest nickname from families I work with is affectinately "Super Nanny" :) I don't pretend to know everything, but I know what has worked. If I can help you, server you, even live with you for a weekend, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
If you want, after you read this, take this blog off of your comments and we can chat between the two of us. Your spirit is unbreakable, I've seen that through your blogs and your family (I know your Mom and I'm also a friend of Kristin's); don't let your little ones ruin that- kids are nuts, sometimes unbearable- but that's ok, they're supposed to be that way to a certain extent:)
Anyway, e-mail me ( and we'll chat. We'll go for coffee. I'll hang out with your kids while you get sanity time... and if I can, I'll help you with them as well.
You're an amazing woman Katie! I can't wait to hear from you!

Anonymous said...


What a patient mom you are! Years from know your kids are going to look back on this and see how blessed they were to have someone who loved them like crazy in spite of their naughtiness. Maybe they'll even be able to write a book about their "adventures" and support you while you eat bon bons and get pampered all day!

I'm back at school already, otherwise I'd for sure be up for a night of babysitting. However, if you need some time to just "get away," know that you're welcome to come to lovely Holland, MI any time. I have 6 housemates, but we could certainly find a place for you to have some alone time or if you needed, some silly girl time. We have futons for sleeping, a Gap outlet for shopping, and no small children (well, occassionally one of the girl's nieces, but she's still quiet :) ). We're free, too!

Just know that we're praying for you. I know we don't really know each other, except through your mom, but I'd love to help in any way I can. My room at my house in Arlington Heights is also empty right now, so if you just need a night away (or want to send the kids there), my mom is quite hospitable.

Hang in there. You are stronger and more equipped than I think you know.

Love in Christ,

Alison Strobel Morrow said...

Oh girl, I wish I could step in and help you!! I gotta say, those are some creative kids you've got there. As a soon-to-be-mom, these are the kinds of scenarios I dread, because I honestly don't know what the heck I'd do. But at least you've given me some ideas! :) I just bought Dare to Discipline and read it the other day in the hopes of arming myself before the need arises--we'll see how it works when the time comes!

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie,
I've met you a couple times. I was one of the girls in Laurie's small group. I've worked as a nanny for a couple years now and once in a while baby-sit for your nephews Hayden and Reese. I would more then love to help you out whenever you may need it. E-mail me sometime if you are interested, Have a wonderful day!

Eve said...

a day late and a dollar short:

just want you to know that I know anna and give her my seal of approval if that means anything...

Thanks for all the crazy stories and then laying out your cry for help. What are you trying to do? Set yourself up for a turn down =).
I'm wondering if you got someone to help out saturday...

I agree with Alison the first thing I thought was wow CREATIVE!!! Now if it just could be harnessed ;)

Well, chica sounds like your are now getting yourself a list of willing baby sitters! Good job asking for help. Totally awesome!

Anonymous said...

You are a good mom! Don't give up on the spankings and other punishments just because they don't have an immediate effect. Life isn't a sitcom where everything is resolved in half an hour! Things have cumulative effects that you can only see in retrospect. Keep up the good work.