Friday, August 26, 2005

Dear Anonymous comment #9...

Anonymous said...
Why do you allow the kids to rule the home?
11:54 PM

Dear Anonymous,

First, and most importantly, kiss off.

Seriously, you are a piece of work. Try as I might, I simply do not understand people like you. I do not understand what it is about going out of your way to be cruel and insenstive and 100% devoid of any compassion that is so attractive to you. I just do not understand why you delight so much in your inhumanity. Can you explain? Can you tell me what is going through your head? What happened to you to make you bitter, mean, and ashamed of yourself? To paraphrase your own question, why do you allow evil to rule your heart? Perhaps if you share, we'd all know better how to pray for you...

In the meantime, I just wanted to make sure I express how grateful I am to so many of you who have offered your time to me, and your prayers. They are certainly coveted. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful fellowship surrounding me...y'all are good.



Barb K said...

Hey, Kate,
You are right on. We know there are people who have no insight into other people's lives yet feel it is their place to make observations/comments. Blah, blah, blah to them I say. Your kids are bright, funny, charming, engaging and full of life, however, they do NOT rule yuor home. You and Tommy are outstanding, committed parents who use God's principles in raising them. To that I say, press on. Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

The anonymous comment was probably sent by someone who has no children or one that runs a household of robots! I had many a comment from women who had no children on what I was doing wrong in my childrearing and how I should do it better. In fact one was my sister. I know you can hardly believe it but once she said "I will never let my children whine like that!" She meant well and at least I knew the source and it was extremely satisfying to see how her children never whined, RIGHT! Keep up the good work. Love, Mrs. H.

Jackie R. said...

"kiss off..." That is a very generous and graceful way of respinding :) I may not have been so kind!

At the longest Mark and I have watched 4 kids for a week... well, and had a 16 year old come and live with us for 2 years and what I know is that --> kids rule your LIFE! That is why I don't have any yet - maybe I am not ready for that... maybe too selfish? I give all the credit in the world to moms!

From what I know - you are a *great* Mom - blessed with some mischevious and creative kids... :) and I agree - you will be an awesome nurse!

Kim said...

I ditto everyone else's notes. I am a parent & could totally relate to your recent post. :)

Anonymous said...

I am a mom to four kids under age 11. I read your blogs because they help me stay focused on surviving my depression, so I can be here for them. Thank you for sharing your stories so eloquently.

It sounds like your kids are full of life, curiosity, and resourcefulness. They have a nurturing home and loving parents. We need more families like yours!

I think you are a great mom; and creative, too. I especially liked your making the kids call you "Mrs. Michel." I am going to use that one myself.

Anonymous said...

Right On KATIE!!!! One mother to another...You Rock!

Anonymous said...

Didn't mean to stir up such a fuss, it's just that you described how the kids destoyed your house and I wondered what caused them to believed that they were allowed to do that?

dbrown said...


Check out his/her comment about 'parenting' on my blog, it's the 23rd comment.

Anonymous said...

Girl, you've got all these people in here giving you rave reviews, why do you care what an idiot like myself thinks?

Anonymous said...

As a mother of 2 kids under 4, I could totally relate to the last couple blog entries. I felt so relieved!! Especially ironic was that my almost two yr old son got into the bright blue gel toothpaste while I was in the shower and "colored" all over my very light taupe carpet. Be encouraged and know you are not alone. God Bless and I will keep praying for you. Kelly

Anonymous said...

This anonymous person thinks you are AMAZING! YOU GO GIRL!
ps- Every morning I pray that the Big Man upstairs looks out for you and your family. Mad love!

Anonymous said...

u wonder what made curious CHILDREN think that they can do anything???? Just the fact that they can THINK-they are figuring out what they can/cannot do in this world, they dont do things maliciously, thats y we as parents r here, to guide them & let them know what is ok & what is not, GET A CLUE!

Anonymous said...

KATIE,after march 2 when you were going thrue laurie e-mails what was it that made you and pete so mad?

Anonymous said...

Katie I hope you are not mad with all my questions. I am sorry.

Christine said...

Dear Anonymous (4:49 and 8:04)--

As someone who has been helped enormously through reading and thinking about these blogs, I wanted to add my comments to Debbie's. While I understand that your questions probably aren't intended to be hurtful, I think they probably are--and as readers we need to be very careful about respecting the boundaries the Boncimino-Kovacevich clan has established. They've been extraordinarily brave in sharing so much of their grief with us, and we have no right even to ask about anything that they choose to keep private.