Monday, July 25, 2005

Oh, the places you'll go...

Hey y'all. Before I get to the nitty gritty, I would first like to take a moment to direct your attention to the blog of my super cousin, Mandy. She is prayerfully hunting for a new assistant, and I figured since we have the ability to network, why don't we? Check it out, and get the word out, if you'd be so kind!
(um, yeah, I don't know how to put a link in all smooth like Drew-the-Pooh.)

Anyways, I wanted to share a story, just because. Kinda sad, but kinda not. A few weeks ago, Tommy and I had the chance to get away for a weekend, to go the wedding of a friend in St Louis. We had a blast, and the wedding was beautiful. Honestly, there were a few moments during the ceremony that I couldn't help but think about the fact that I would never see my sister get married, but it was cool because if you cry at a wedding, nobody stares! The big punch-to-the-gut moment came during the reception. We all sat down, and the toasts began. The best man was great, he had us all in stitches, and then the maid of honor. She started by saying that she was very nervous, and so she had recruited all the bridesmaids to help her. And then, she picked up a book and started reciting the words. She got about 4 words out before Tommy and I simultaneously squeezed each other's hands in that desperate "ouch, this is gonna hurt" sort of way. We were both instantly brought back to our wedding day. Laurie was my maid of honor, and the toast she gave us, was a reading of the book "Oh, the places you'll go" by Dr Suess...The same book that the bridesmaids took turns reading out of. I only made it about 15 seconds, before I quietly excused myself to sob uncontrollably in the ladies room.

The good news is that my sister-in-law, Julie joined me a few minutes later, and was so great about letting me cry, and blab to her. After getting it all out, I actually felt good, like I could still feel Laurie's touch on my life. We went back in, had a great meal, fantastic fun with friends, and cut the rug so hard we nearly passed out. (Tommy is a great dancer, in case you've never seen him in action! We rocked that floor hard!)

Anyhow, hope all is well... I'm off to read the amazing transcription that Laurie wrote in the copy she read from and gave to us as a gift, then read the book, and ponder the places I'll go...

PS One last tidbit...I'm no longer a blonde! My wonderful cousin Molly made a special trip to help repair the craziness on Friday! Molly, you're the best...even if you laughed really hard at first! Oh, as promised, I have written you into my will. You'll get all three of our kids, our dog, our cat, our fish, and our lawnmower...What do you mean you are so glad I am in such good health?!? Love you oodles, gorgeous! And speaking of cousins, Mandy and Heidi were awesome with the kids! They can't wait to sleep over again, so we'll just have to set up another event! (wink wink!)


Gail said...

Katie you are soooo funny. you keep us laughing with your wit, your never ending wit...I loved your hair blond..What color is it now? Yeah Molly rocks!! I love you..aunt Gail

dbrown said...
