Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Would someone please give Tom Cruise a Xanax?!?

And other random thoughts that have popped into my head for the last two weeks...

So our DSL has been out for almost two weeks, and frankly, I thought I was going crazy a few times (as if I needed a nudge in that direction!) Not nearly as mind blowing as being in a different country for a year, but it did put a new perspective on how glad I am to be able to email, and blog, and find out what new retarded thing Tom Cruise has said each day.

Overall, I am doing...fair. Busy, emotional, frazzled...fair. Summer classes have begun, and as much as I try, I simply cannot make myself give a rat's ass about microbiology. Mind-blowing, I know, but bacteria simply do not thrill me. On the other hand, it's only two days a week now, and I am in good company, and it gives me 12 hours a week in a place where nobody calls me mommy. I guess now that I think about it, it's a decent break. (Man, you know you're a mom when you start to refer to microbio as "me time!") The kids are well. Summer suits them just fine. Little league t-ball just ended (which is fine by me...it was getting a bit tiresome forcing myself to cheer for the White Sox, Denver's team. Even he was getting a bit worn out of not being a Cub. I actually laughed as I told him "Don't worry, Denver, there is always next year.") Maya is really digging her ballet classes, and Isaiah still cracks us up daily, as he learns more stuff every day!

And of course, my new nephew! I'm so unbelievably thrilled to have him in our family, he is so stinking cute. I loved hearing about his birth from Chris and Christa, who got to be there, both because I already love that kid, and because that is what I am hoping to do when I am done with school in a mere 10 months. As I've pondered his birth over the past few days, there have been a few moments that pulled at the "designated Laurie strings" of my heart. Obviously, because this is the first nephew or niece that she has never met, but also because I thought back to Isaiah's birth, which she was in the room with us for. As Chris and Christa and I talked about it, I wished she was there, too, to remind me again of the crazy stuff I said during labor and delivery, and then laugh in her weird way again.

On that note, I'd like to leave you with a prayer request...three, really. First, go ahead and praise our Father for showing up for our family in such a big way. Thank Him for blessing our socks off when we need it the most. Second, pray for wisdom, for Chris and Christa, as they take on the awesome job that He has given them. Ask Him to bless them so that they can raise this boy up for Him. Lastly, pray for Bailey, the birthmom. I know all too well how these are some of the hardest days of her life. As much as her head knows that she has done an amazing and brave thing, right now, her heart is broken and grieving. Sure, she knows Chris and Christa will be wonderful parents, and that she will have pictures, and letters, and even visits with them, she is still a mother who is grieving the loss of her firstborn. Pray that she will be held close, and comforted. Pray that people around her will love her, and accept her grief as any other grief, and not minimize it. Pray that he will reward her ten-fold for the good she has done...Because this is very, very good.


Anonymous said...

I love the way you write. :)
I will keep everyone in my prayers. I thought about giving my son up for adoption and it is one of the hardest decisions one will have to make. I have such a respect for birthparents now that I can relate to what they went through.

PixieGirl said...


Thank you for sharing your heart. You know all too well what Baily is going through... I just know that God will continue to bless those who make such a selfless decision. I love you BUNCHES girlie! Welcome back to the blogging world!

dbrown said...

Go read the Bible Katie.

(Cue spit take.)


Anonymous said...

Katie--The last part of your newest post moved me to tears...the part about Bailey: "she is still a mother who is grieving the loss of her firstborn. Pray that she will be held close, and comforted. Pray that people around her will love her, and accept her grief as any other grief, and not minimize it. Pray that he will reward her ten-fold for the good she has done...Because this is very, very good."
Indeed, this is very very good, and a very very brave thing for Bailey to have done. Prayers will be said for Bailey, and the new adoptive parents....and of course for you too.

fe (friend of dbrown).